What is breathwork?

Breathwork is an active meditation that helps reduce mental noise and bring you into direct experience of the present moment.  It uses a deep & repetitive breathing pattern which drops you into your body where you clear stress and stuck emotions and uncover what’s underneath -  joy, energy, clarity and creativity. 

Quite simply, it’s learning to say “yes” to what you’re feeling, and hence “yes” to life.

What you can expect

A breathwork session is a guided meditation where you lie down, close your eyes and breathe deeply for 30 minutes. 

This takes you on a “journey” where emotions, sensations, visions, memories can all come to the surface and instead of “thinking about them”, you are actually in a space to connect & feel them and then feel better!

Breathwork is a self-healing technique and it’s the teacher’s job to guide you in a safe space.  It is called breathWORK as the breathing can be intense, like a workout, and the benefit is that you’re opening up your body through deep oxygenation. 

After your “workout” you’ll feel calm, connected, lighter and with more access to creativity, intuition and self-love. It’s important to note that while the breathwork is guided in a general sense, each individual finds their own pace and is in control of their experience.

People enjoy breathwork both for its natural high, as well as for its ability to move through challenging times in life, and even transformation of past challenging times.

As breathwork’s popularity has risen quickly, especially in the US, research has demonstrated its efficacy for the conditions below and you can find a summary of 20+ articles on this site (The Science Behind Breathwork).

  • Stress, Anxiety, Low Energy,

  • Endurance, ADHD & Focus, Sleep & Insomnia, Sleep Apnea,

  • Pain Management, Cardiovascular Health, Blood Pressure

“Feelings come and go like clouds in a windy sky. Conscious breathing is my anchor.”

– Thich Nhat Hanh